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Hobby Flotsam: December 21

Let’s see what’s washed up on the digital shores of Tiny Plastic Island this month.

Some good gnarly Valhallans here:

Always a bit cynical about ‘wise words’ but these ones resonate:

A nice muted Death Guard scheme here:

I’m not sure what this is at all, but it’s excellent:

Always great to see a simple but effective conversion, like these T’au mercs:

We do like a freaky weirdo here at TPP:

Great work capturing the expression here:

Lovely use of colours:

Perfectly normal doggo:

The ruff alone is just chef-kiss:

Just a freaky, freaky cart:

A classic:

Just time for a ghosty ghosty (of Christmas past?):

Nothing says end of the year like a big bell-cannon:

Love the colours on this chonker:

Fun little characters:

Grimy but vibrant, very nice:

A great conversion to get some more life out of an old kit:

Just grand, such a strong conversion and use of colours:

Julia Moshura always amazes:

Enjoying the wasteland:

That’s it for this month, excited to see what people come with in 2022.

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