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The Tiny Plastic People almost 10 month reader and contributor survey

The Tiny Plastic People almost 10 month reader and contributor survey

It's that time! What time? It's time for you dear reader and/or listener to say your bit about how Tiny Plastic People is going, what you would like to see, what you love, what you hate, and generally give a good bit of that anonymous feedback that we can use to make sure we are doing good and getting better where we need to! Follow the link below! Give us your thoughts! Even if this is your first time here we want to hear from you! Take part in the survey We'll close the survey next Sunday (12th September 2021)…
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Getting started with the Black Library (Part 2)

Getting started with the Black Library (Part 2)

What? Did you finish our last recommendations? Well, we are back for more! This time we take a trip back to Terra (twice!), punch ghosts and have Actual Feelings on the other side of the galactic rift. A Tiny Plastic Person Top Tip: The Black Library is full of text-based treats, but it’s not the only way to enjoy the schlocky delights of the Warhammer world. As a few of our contributors have mentioned, the audiobooks are of particularly good use when painting, running, working or other activities where your eyes are otherwise occupied. If you are one for the…
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The Audacity

The Audacity

Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Paint a Tentpole Mini I would describe myself as a slightly below mediocre army painter at skill level. It’s hard to tell given the sheer volume of amazing minis you see on the web, and I tend to only see a few other people's minis in real life, so in my head that’s where I sit. A recent mini for skill level. The point of the above is that it created a fear in me. I didn’t mind paying £25 for a hero character and not having it painted particularly well, but…
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Rollmodels Rumble: Age of Sigmar Team Tournament Diary

Rollmodels Rumble: Age of Sigmar Team Tournament Diary

To keep ourselves busy during lockdown, the Rollmodels hobby community have been playing a series of Age of Sigmar (AoS) team tournaments using Tabletop Simulator. In the most recent one we used a different format to the traditional tournament, and we thought it would be fun to document how it went down. The tournament was played in May 2021, before the release of AoS 3.0,  so it used AoS second edition rules. The format Two teams of six players (imaginatively named ‘Team A’ and ‘Team B’) come together to play Age of Sigmar on Tabletop Simulator.The tournament organiser (TO) writes…
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Well I For One Welcome our New Robot Overlords

Well I For One Welcome our New Robot Overlords

In terms of the universe, the Necrons are far older than you or I. Far older than humanity, the once rulers of the stars wield technology that would fracture and confound the brightest of mankind’s minds. The Necrons are awakening gradually from their slumber, determined to return to their birthright as the rightful masters of the cosmos. Mankind faces the inevitability that it is not if they can hold off the ancient dynasties of the Necrons, but for how long. The Necrons are clad in bodies of living metal, with their souls cast away as bargaining chips in their hunt…
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Stargrave Crews You Might Know Already

Stargrave Crews You Might Know Already

Sci-fi skirmish game Stargrave has arrived and the rules contain a wide range of pop sci-fi themes for the playable crews and adversaries. The game is loosely set in a lawless galaxy after an apocalyptic war where independent spaceship crews eke out a perilous existence among the stars, and it’s these crews that you play as. But space is a big place and, my god, it is full of recognisable archetypes from TV, film and books! So it seems natural to ask... how would your favourite spaceship crews from other fiction fare? Stargrave Mercenaries from North Star Military Figures The…
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Learning to love different game modes: Warhammer Underworlds Arena Mortis

Learning to love different game modes: Warhammer Underworlds Arena Mortis

Like many Warhammer Underworlds players, when I bought my copy of the multiplayer Arena Mortis Underworlds expansion in late 2020, it was because I wanted the new cards and board to use in organised play. I dumped the Arena Mortis variant rules and tokens in a box in the loft, fully expecting I’d never use them.   However, a few months ago one of my regular gaming group suggested that we give Arena Mortis a try, and it ended up being so much fun that we’ve returned to it several times since.  Arena Mortis is a multiplayer expansion for Underworlds…
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Why I love: Grots

Why I love: Grots

I think the first time I saw goblins was when I saw The Fellowship of the Ring in the cinema. It’s a great moment. Entering the Mines of Moria, the Fellowship discover that all the dwarves have been killed. Good, but by whom? “Goblins!” declares one member of the party. After a tense trek through the tunnels, said goblins finally emerge to the beat of an ominous drum. With inhuman shrieks they burst into the room, brandishing wicked blades and adorned in spiky, makeshift armour. It’s pretty scary!  What happens next?  They die in one hit to a Level 0…
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Why I love: duardin

Why I love: duardin

Dwarves are a stalwart of many fantasy universes, and Age of Sigmar is no exception. Dwarves in the Age of Sigmar universe are known as duardin, and there are three main types of duardin in Age of Sigmar: the Fyreslayers, the Kharadron Overlords, and the Dispossessed (which these days are part of the Cities of Sigmar faction). I have an army of each of these, so I thought I’d say a bit about why I like them so much, and what makes duardin better than those pesky elves (or ‘aelves’ in Age of Sigmar) who tend to steal the limelight.…
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Hobby Roundup: April 2021

Hobby Roundup: April 2021

Welcome back to the Tiny Plastic People hobby roundup, presenting what our contributors have been working on for the past month or so. So how was everybody’s April? Lockdown has been slowly easing here in the UK - I was able to go to a Games Workshop for the first time in months (they didn’t have what I wanted ? ), and I’ve seen that some people in our community have been lucky enough to be able to play games. Though they did have to do it outside, in the snow in one case, so maybe not so lucky? Tom…
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