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Enter The Age of Sigmar Fourth Edition Takes Zone

A Tiny Plastic People Podcast Special

Boom! Another Tiny Plastic People Special appears! Nick! John! Rachel! They combine to create a hot bevvy of takes all relating to the recently (its still recent, honest!) Age of Sigmar Fourth Edition! Has Sigmar blown his wad over the double turn? Who will stop the Purple Sun? Are aelves at the top of the metaverse due to shooting shenanigans? Find out, as well as our intripid hosts thoughts on other things! So join us! It’s a podcast after all.

Where has the podcast been?

Well, you may wonder “Hey Little Plastic Ones? Where have all the takes gone? Where are the podcasts?”. Well, my friend, we haven’t actually gone anywhere, but what we did do was move to Acast, a popular service that hosts the podcast. That means we removed the episodes from the website. What we didn’t do was say any of that had happened. Nor made any posts for each episode as we posted them. Thats on us, sorry. But if you hop to the link above you can find not only the latest episode, but also at least seven other epsiodes we posted while we have been silent here! If you were subscribed via RSS you shouldn’t have noticed anything, we are still on Spotify, Apple, etc.

You never know, there might be more articles soon too. Take care folk!

By James

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