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Hobby Roundup

Hobby Roundup: September 2021

Hobby Roundup: September 2021

Salutations, tiny plastic readers! It's been a while, but we thought we'd get back to sharing what's been on the hobby desk for some of our contributors recently. With events starting to creep back into calendars, there has been a flurry of activity as we add finishing touches, meta-chasing units, or whole new armies to the collection, whilst others amongst us to continue to devote their time to beautiful single models, metawatch be damned! Tom G (RespectableGeek) @RespectableGeek I’ve spent the last couple of months working on my most ambitious project yet: the Knight Castellan Saraneth, the Throne of Queen…
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Hobby Roundup: June 2021

Hobby Roundup: June 2021

Welcome to the Hobby Roundup for June, a look at the hobby that our Tiny Plastic People contributors have been doing. It’s been a bit of a quiet month for most of us this time, so this will be a briefer article than most - but that’s alright, isn’t it? There are no prizes for this hobby. Unless you enter a contest I guess, but then that’s true for everything. Tom F (LeSwordfish) @LeSwordfish So I didn’t go as deep into vampires as I was worried last time round, just picking up a single unit of Blood Knights - they’re…
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Hobby Roundup: May 2021

Hobby Roundup: May 2021

Welcome to the May edition of the Hobby Roundup, a look at the hobby being done by our contributors in the Tiny Plastic People bunker. There’s no bunker, that’s just how White Dwarf always used to describe their offices.  I’ve never visited where White Dwarf was printed, but they set it up in the early eighties when Reagan was restarting the Cold War, so who knows - maybe they felt a bunker was the safest place?  Also here at TPP we don’t even have offices, just our respective devices, but that’s one of the challenges facing new media: a lack of…
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Hobby Roundup: April 2021

Hobby Roundup: April 2021

Welcome back to the Tiny Plastic People hobby roundup, presenting what our contributors have been working on for the past month or so. So how was everybody’s April? Lockdown has been slowly easing here in the UK - I was able to go to a Games Workshop for the first time in months (they didn’t have what I wanted ? ), and I’ve seen that some people in our community have been lucky enough to be able to play games. Though they did have to do it outside, in the snow in one case, so maybe not so lucky? Tom…
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Hobby Roundup: March 2021

Hobby Roundup: March 2021

Welcome again to the Hobby Roundup, your chance to see what our community of Tiny Plastic People contributors have been up to this month.  There are glimmers of light at the end of the long lockdown tunnel - surely everyone is just putting the finishing touches on their isolation project and there won’t be a scrap of grey plastic to be seen when we meet up again? Surely? Rachel (Nersh) @Nershly All through February I was fixing, assembling and basing almost my entire backlog, with the intent of getting them all primed at the end, too. Well, I abandoned that…
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Hobby Roundup: February 2021

Hobby Roundup: February 2021

Welcome to February’s Hobby Roundup, brought to you by the good folks at Tiny Plastic People. This series showcases what we - the group of Tiny Plastic People Contributors - have been working on in our various hobby bubbles each month, even the stuff that Instagram doesn’t show. Tom F (LeSwordfish) @LeSwordfish As always, I spend December grumpily struggling to hit self-imposed targets (a thousand points of Seraphon this time), and so in January I relax, experience total hobby freedom, and paint some random bullshit that’s been on my list for ages. This year that was some Deathwatch, some neat…
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