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Age of Sigmar

Why I Love: Hedonites of Slaanesh

Why I Love: Hedonites of Slaanesh

A Hedonite host marches to battle against their arch-rivals, the followers of Khorne.Image credit: Warhammer Community Of the four Chaos Gods, Slaanesh has always been my favourite. I find the idea of corruption through the pursuit of perfection, vanity and obsession a really cool hook for a faction. With the recent release of the new Slaanesh Battletome and an expanded range of mortals, I thought it might be a good idea to dive into what makes the Hedonites of Slaanesh my favourite faction in Age of Sigmar. First, a quick note: Slaanesh themself is referred to with different pronouns in…
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The Month in Miniatures: January 2021

The Month in Miniatures: January 2021

Hello folks, and welcome to Warhammer Wroundup (or whatever I end up calling this), a monthly catch-up on all the various Games Workshop and Warhammer news. My goal is to write something that will act as a reasonable one-stop-shop for people who don’t typically follow Warhammer news, so my apologies to the rest of you if this is light on details. This was a pretty busy month, for Warhammer (Good) News as much as for Regular (Bad) News, so I'll kick right off. As previously announced, Games Workshop’s release rate has slowed down a little this month, paring back to…
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