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The Month In Miniatures: February 2021

The Month In Miniatures: February 2021

Welcome to February’s issue of the Month in Miniatures, the regular news roundup from Tiny Plastic People. My goal here is to write a monthly summary of all the things happening in Games Workshop’s miniatures ranges, to let you keep up with the new and interesting things that have been revealed or released, without needing to check all the blogs every day. February gave us a videogame trailer, two Age of Sigmar army books, and a whole reveals stream dedicated to AoS, which means there’s a whole mess of cool stuff to see this time. Total War: Warhammer Right back…
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Welcome to Tiny Plastic People

Welcome to Tiny Plastic People

Hello! Welcome to Tiny Plastic People! This little website is a project that a few of us have had on the backburner for a while now. The genesis of the idea came to our community after we realised there weren't really many websites that were covering Warhammer and tabletop gaming in a way that matched with our attitudes. After a lot of prevaricating, we eventually decided to give it a go ourselves. Two years of false starts later, we finally knuckled down and got something running. For the past month we've been putting a lot of free time into getting…
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The Month in Miniatures: January 2021

The Month in Miniatures: January 2021

Hello folks, and welcome to Warhammer Wroundup (or whatever I end up calling this), a monthly catch-up on all the various Games Workshop and Warhammer news. My goal is to write something that will act as a reasonable one-stop-shop for people who don’t typically follow Warhammer news, so my apologies to the rest of you if this is light on details. This was a pretty busy month, for Warhammer (Good) News as much as for Regular (Bad) News, so I'll kick right off. As previously announced, Games Workshop’s release rate has slowed down a little this month, paring back to…
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