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I made a Warcry board – A guide to what I learnt not to do – Part 5 – The Finished? Product and What I Learnt

I made a Warcry board – A guide to what I learnt not to do – Part 5 – The Finished? Product and What I Learnt

Hi, welcome to the fifth and final part of my guide to teach you what not to do when you make a board, so you can learn from my mistakes. If you missed them, the previous parts are here: Part 1 - Inspiration Part 2 - The Base Itself Part 3 - Modular Bases Part 4 - The Lost Chapter, and Buying My Way to Success So, the finished product looks like this: …plus this: ..plus this:  I think it’s probably gotten me to an extremely high number of permutations of arrangement. Not infinite, but a high value.  I am…
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Direchasm Reflections

Direchasm Reflections

Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm, the fourth season of Games Workshop’s Warhammer Underworlds game, has been fully released for a month or so now (aside from an Arena Mortis expansion which was announced just after I'd written the first draft of this article), so I want to talk about how I’ve found the season as a whole. For anyone who is not familiar with Warhammer Underworlds, it’s a hex based, competitive, two player strategy game. Each player picks a warband from the thirty-six that are available, and adds a deck of objective and power cards built from the large card pool. A…
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I made a Warcry board – A guide to what I learnt not to do – Part 4 – The Lost Chapter, and Buying My Way to Success

I made a Warcry board – A guide to what I learnt not to do – Part 4 – The Lost Chapter, and Buying My Way to Success

Hi, welcome to the fourth part of my guide to teach you what not to do when you make a board, so you can learn from my mistakes. If you missed them, the previous parts are here: Part 1 - Inspiration Part 2 - The Base Itself Part 3 - Modular Bases This section of the build has no pictures. Sorry. This is where all the failures happened, and as I wasn’t planning on talking about it at the time, I had no reason to take any photos of all the stuff that went wrong.  Now that the base was…
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The Audacity

The Audacity

Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Paint a Tentpole Mini I would describe myself as a slightly below mediocre army painter at skill level. It’s hard to tell given the sheer volume of amazing minis you see on the web, and I tend to only see a few other people's minis in real life, so in my head that’s where I sit. A recent mini for skill level. The point of the above is that it created a fear in me. I didn’t mind paying £25 for a hero character and not having it painted particularly well, but…
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I made a Warcry board – A guide to what I learnt not to do – Part 3 – Modular Bases

I made a Warcry board – A guide to what I learnt not to do – Part 3 – Modular Bases

Hi, welcome to the third part of my guide to teach you what not to do when you make a board, so you can learn from my mistakes. If you missed them, the previous parts are here: Part 1 - Inspiration Part 2 - The Base Itself I knew that I wanted a modular floor, but the Warcry board size is a bit tricky, 22” by 30”. I decided that having it split down the middle, I could do six sections, four would be 11” by 11”, and then two 8” by 11”, but what to make them out of?…
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Rollmodels Rumble: Age of Sigmar Team Tournament Diary

Rollmodels Rumble: Age of Sigmar Team Tournament Diary

To keep ourselves busy during lockdown, the Rollmodels hobby community have been playing a series of Age of Sigmar (AoS) team tournaments using Tabletop Simulator. In the most recent one we used a different format to the traditional tournament, and we thought it would be fun to document how it went down. The tournament was played in May 2021, before the release of AoS 3.0,  so it used AoS second edition rules. The format Two teams of six players (imaginatively named ‘Team A’ and ‘Team B’) come together to play Age of Sigmar on Tabletop Simulator.The tournament organiser (TO) writes…
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I made a Warcry board – A guide to what I learnt not to do – Part 2 – The Base Itself

I made a Warcry board – A guide to what I learnt not to do – Part 2 – The Base Itself

Hi, welcome to the second part of my guide to teach you what not to do when you make a board, so you can learn from my mistakes. If you missed it, part one was here, where I talked about my inspiration and made some plans. Basic plan made, I started 2 types of research. The first was the inevitable poring over any news on how Warcry Catacombs would play, most of which I wouldn’t discover until the game launched. The second was on how to make boards. For large 6x4 foot boards people would make wooden supports and two-part…
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I made a Warcry board – A guide to what I learnt not to do – Part 1 – Inspiration

I made a Warcry board – A guide to what I learnt not to do – Part 1 – Inspiration

Before I get started on what I did, I am going to preamble a bit as to why I wanted to make a board for Warcry specifically.  Like many people, I was into the hobby as a teenager, left for a number of years, and returned to it a few years ago on the vague premise that one of my children may also enjoy it - to which the answer is not really - despite my best attempts. The first part however is important.  Heroquest aside, my teenage starting point was Epic. Gigantic battles of armies clashing across floors or…
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Month In Miniatures: June 2021 (Part 1)

Month In Miniatures: June 2021 (Part 1)

Welcome to the June issue of the Month In Miniatures, your monthly Warhammer news roundup from Tiny Plastic People. I’m your host, Large Flesh Person Tom. The biggest news this month was unquestionably the preorder of, and lead up to, the release of Age Of Sigmar’s 3rd Edition, including a core rulebook and the launch box, Dominion. In fact, that was so completely the biggest news that we’re going to dedicate an article to it, which you can perhaps expect some time later in the month. For your regular news this month, I’ve chosen to focus on the other news…
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Well I For One Welcome our New Robot Overlords

Well I For One Welcome our New Robot Overlords

In terms of the universe, the Necrons are far older than you or I. Far older than humanity, the once rulers of the stars wield technology that would fracture and confound the brightest of mankind’s minds. The Necrons are awakening gradually from their slumber, determined to return to their birthright as the rightful masters of the cosmos. Mankind faces the inevitability that it is not if they can hold off the ancient dynasties of the Necrons, but for how long. The Necrons are clad in bodies of living metal, with their souls cast away as bargaining chips in their hunt…
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