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Why I Love

Why I love: Adeptus Mechanicus

Why I love: Adeptus Mechanicus

or, how I learned to stop worrying and make everything Skitarii Strap in your bionic eyes, give up your mortal flesh for steel and set your chronometers for fun because it’s time we talk about the Omnissiah. The Adeptus Mechanicus are both one of the oldest parts of Warhamer 40,000 lore, and are also blessed with one of the most flexible and fun ranges currently available. Do you want to ride into battle on a cybernetic hound wielding two pistols? We got you. What about robots? Tell me you have robots! Yeah we got robots, we’ve got robots that you…
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Well I For One Welcome our New Robot Overlords

Well I For One Welcome our New Robot Overlords

In terms of the universe, the Necrons are far older than you or I. Far older than humanity, the once rulers of the stars wield technology that would fracture and confound the brightest of mankind’s minds. The Necrons are awakening gradually from their slumber, determined to return to their birthright as the rightful masters of the cosmos. Mankind faces the inevitability that it is not if they can hold off the ancient dynasties of the Necrons, but for how long. The Necrons are clad in bodies of living metal, with their souls cast away as bargaining chips in their hunt…
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Why I love: duardin

Why I love: duardin

Dwarves are a stalwart of many fantasy universes, and Age of Sigmar is no exception. Dwarves in the Age of Sigmar universe are known as duardin, and there are three main types of duardin in Age of Sigmar: the Fyreslayers, the Kharadron Overlords, and the Dispossessed (which these days are part of the Cities of Sigmar faction). I have an army of each of these, so I thought I’d say a bit about why I like them so much, and what makes duardin better than those pesky elves (or ‘aelves’ in Age of Sigmar) who tend to steal the limelight.…
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Bitz a Wonderful Life

Bitz a Wonderful Life

Converting, Kitbashing, and Why It Might Be For You! A quick safety note: some of the tips here involve chopping and hacking your miniatures in ways that weren’t intended by the designers. Be careful when using sharp tools! There are a raft of valid and understandable apprehensions over kitbashing; the worry of putting valuable plastic at risk, concerns of “ruining” a model, uncertainty over costs, fear of failure, and plenty more. I’d love to say that they’re all unfounded but honestly, I’ve experienced every one of them during my time in the hobby. But that needn’t stop you! So why…
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Why I Love: Hedonites of Slaanesh

Why I Love: Hedonites of Slaanesh

A Hedonite host marches to battle against their arch-rivals, the followers of Khorne.Image credit: Warhammer Community Of the four Chaos Gods, Slaanesh has always been my favourite. I find the idea of corruption through the pursuit of perfection, vanity and obsession a really cool hook for a faction. With the recent release of the new Slaanesh Battletome and an expanded range of mortals, I thought it might be a good idea to dive into what makes the Hedonites of Slaanesh my favourite faction in Age of Sigmar. First, a quick note: Slaanesh themself is referred to with different pronouns in…
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