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Why I love: duardin

Why I love: duardin

Dwarves are a stalwart of many fantasy universes, and Age of Sigmar is no exception. Dwarves in the Age of Sigmar universe are known as duardin, and there are three main types of duardin in Age of Sigmar: the Fyreslayers, the Kharadron Overlords, and the Dispossessed (which these days are part of the Cities of Sigmar faction). I have an army of each of these, so I thought I’d say a bit about why I like them so much, and what makes duardin better than those pesky elves (or ‘aelves’ in Age of Sigmar) who tend to steal the limelight.…
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Hobby Roundup: April 2021

Hobby Roundup: April 2021

Welcome back to the Tiny Plastic People hobby roundup, presenting what our contributors have been working on for the past month or so. So how was everybody’s April? Lockdown has been slowly easing here in the UK - I was able to go to a Games Workshop for the first time in months (they didn’t have what I wanted ? ), and I’ve seen that some people in our community have been lucky enough to be able to play games. Though they did have to do it outside, in the snow in one case, so maybe not so lucky? Tom…
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Make Do and Mend

Make Do and Mend

Any period where one might receive gifts from others if one bears the mark of a “known hobbyist” amongst friends and family can make for interesting occasions. How many new armies have been started, while in the middle of trying to build your all conquering Tyranid army (that will definitely be the true anti-meta when complete and sweep all before it), you open Brokk Grungsson, Lord-Magnate of Barak-NaronTM on your birthday and were suddenly struck by the thought “Dang, I never realised how much I liked steampunk sky dwarves until this exact moment in my life”?But what happens when the…
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The Month In Miniatures: March 2021

The Month In Miniatures: March 2021

Hello once again and welcome to March’s edition of the Month in Miniatures, brought to you by the good people (me) at Tiny Plastic People. Perhaps the biggest news this month is the release of Warhammer Quest: Cursed City, Games Workshop’s latest in the Warhammer Quest series of co-operative board games. Release is on either the next or previous Saturday depending on when this goes up, and though we didn’t receive any news as major as last month’s mega-preview, there’s a bunch of articles discussing it on Warhammer Community.  Source: AgeOfSigmar.com Some highlights include a look at Night and Day…
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Founding Felstad (Part 3)

Welcome back! Last time, I had tried out carving some foam, now it was time for the next step in adding some elevation to my board. I had some 75mm thick XPS foam from an attempt to make a budget Loonshrine for Age of Sigmar, so I decided to use this as the basis for a large tower/riser thing. I started by roughing out how it would look with some stairs, made from layers of 10mm XPS foam. Then, as it looked a little plain, I added one of the Hirst Arts ruins to the top.  It always helps to…
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Getting started with the Black Library (Part One)

Getting started with the Black Library (Part One)

Since its founding in 1997, Black Library has become one of the strongest pillars of the Games Workshop hobby. Tasking a variety of authors with fleshing out the worlds of Warhammer,they have concocted tales of heroes, villains and all the shades of grey in between. The publisher has now put out well over two hundred books and become a cornerstone of not just Warhammer, but of popular science fiction and fantasy fiction in general. But how on earth do you even start? Do you dip your toes into the Horus Heresy with book one, knowing full well the series is…
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Hobby Roundup: March 2021

Hobby Roundup: March 2021

Welcome again to the Hobby Roundup, your chance to see what our community of Tiny Plastic People contributors have been up to this month.  There are glimmers of light at the end of the long lockdown tunnel - surely everyone is just putting the finishing touches on their isolation project and there won’t be a scrap of grey plastic to be seen when we meet up again? Surely? Rachel (Nersh) @Nershly All through February I was fixing, assembling and basing almost my entire backlog, with the intent of getting them all primed at the end, too. Well, I abandoned that…
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The Jank Tank: Campaign for Nuclear Dismemberment

The Jank Tank: Campaign for Nuclear Dismemberment

Welcome to the Jank Tank, where we take deep dives on unusual, techy or just plain janky armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. This time we’ll be looking at the fastest Flesh-Eater Courts (FEC) army in all the realms, and asking Chris Welfare from the Mortally Wounded podcast for his insights into the army. We’ll look at the component parts of the army, what it’s trying to achieve, how it goes about it, and how to get the most from it in play. What’s the idea? The recent advent of a number of mobile and effective shooting & magic armies…
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Neonheim Build (Part 5)

Neonheim Build (Part 5)

A short update this time. With the majority of the structure modelled in, it was time to start developing the infrastructure and earth surrounding the pool at the bottom of the board. For this I went for Sculptamold, which is a mix of plaster and fibres, that forms a reasonable strong base layer. The pool water will be transparent resin, but that will be a future activity. Other people can get really good ground and earth effects with Sculptamold, but I haven’t ever had much luck with that. It is easy to work in-around things though, and for filling large gaps.…
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International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

One of the pillars that Tiny Plastic People is built on is the idea that wargaming and the hobby-space around it is a great place, and we want to see more people involved from all manner of backgrounds. Today on International Women’s Day we want to take the opportunity to spotlight some of the talented women already contributing to the hobby, particularly those you might not have heard of. We also encourage you to share some of your favourites to your social feeds, pop someone a comment on Instagram, or take the time to follow a few of the awesome…
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