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Make Do and Mend

Make Do and Mend

Any period where one might receive gifts from others if one bears the mark of a “known hobbyist” amongst friends and family can make for interesting occasions. How many new armies have been started, while in the middle of trying to build your all conquering Tyranid army (that will definitely be the true anti-meta when complete and sweep all before it), you open Brokk Grungsson, Lord-Magnate of Barak-NaronTM on your birthday and were suddenly struck by the thought “Dang, I never realised how much I liked steampunk sky dwarves until this exact moment in my life”?But what happens when the…
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Founding Felstad (Part 3)

Welcome back! Last time, I had tried out carving some foam, now it was time for the next step in adding some elevation to my board. I had some 75mm thick XPS foam from an attempt to make a budget Loonshrine for Age of Sigmar, so I decided to use this as the basis for a large tower/riser thing. I started by roughing out how it would look with some stairs, made from layers of 10mm XPS foam. Then, as it looked a little plain, I added one of the Hirst Arts ruins to the top.  It always helps to…
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Getting started with the Black Library (Part One)

Getting started with the Black Library (Part One)

Since its founding in 1997, Black Library has become one of the strongest pillars of the Games Workshop hobby. Tasking a variety of authors with fleshing out the worlds of Warhammer,they have concocted tales of heroes, villains and all the shades of grey in between. The publisher has now put out well over two hundred books and become a cornerstone of not just Warhammer, but of popular science fiction and fantasy fiction in general. But how on earth do you even start? Do you dip your toes into the Horus Heresy with book one, knowing full well the series is…
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The Jank Tank: Campaign for Nuclear Dismemberment

The Jank Tank: Campaign for Nuclear Dismemberment

Welcome to the Jank Tank, where we take deep dives on unusual, techy or just plain janky armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. This time we’ll be looking at the fastest Flesh-Eater Courts (FEC) army in all the realms, and asking Chris Welfare from the Mortally Wounded podcast for his insights into the army. We’ll look at the component parts of the army, what it’s trying to achieve, how it goes about it, and how to get the most from it in play. What’s the idea? The recent advent of a number of mobile and effective shooting & magic armies…
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Founding Felstad (Part 2)

Founding Felstad (Part 2)

When I last left you, I’d made a whole bunch of single storey scatter terrain. This was a good start but I really needed some larger pieces, and especially some elevation, to make the table more varied and fun.  The first thing I did was grab a couple of bits from Gale Force 9’s Battlefield in a Box range.  These are nice pieces and if you’ve played any games at a games store you’ve probably seen them, as they’re made of resin so are nice and robust, and they come pre-painted.  Of course I needed them to match the rest…
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My Changing Relationship With the Lore

My Changing Relationship With the Lore

From holy text to source of inspiration There is a shelf in my house that holds one of my proudest possessions. It bends under the weight of it, such that I sometimes wonder if the only reason it is still intact is the supporting structure of further books below, rather than the fine quality Swedish engineering of the bookcase itself. It has moved with me several times, from my childhood home in the English Midlands, to a coastal university in Wales, then to a rented flat and finally to a home I own for myself in the North East. To…
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Cult of Personality

Cult of Personality

Hello. My name is James, and I returned to hobby about eighteen months ago after a very, very, very long break. In the early noughties, post-uni, I ran out of disposable income and had to start paying rent and adding to my pile of debt instead of my pile of shame. Today, older, wiser (not wiser, this article will be a testament to that), a bit of disposable income again, and with a slightly larger flat that can accommodate a small hobby area perhaps the time was right to revisit my old stomping grounds? Oh, and I should probably mention…
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Why I Love: Hedonites of Slaanesh

Why I Love: Hedonites of Slaanesh

A Hedonite host marches to battle against their arch-rivals, the followers of Khorne.Image credit: Warhammer Community Of the four Chaos Gods, Slaanesh has always been my favourite. I find the idea of corruption through the pursuit of perfection, vanity and obsession a really cool hook for a faction. With the recent release of the new Slaanesh Battletome and an expanded range of mortals, I thought it might be a good idea to dive into what makes the Hedonites of Slaanesh my favourite faction in Age of Sigmar. First, a quick note: Slaanesh themself is referred to with different pronouns in…
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Getting Into: The Horus Heresy

Getting Into: The Horus Heresy

So, you’re thinking about the Horus Heresy Miniatures game? I think an important question to ask yourself, when thinking about delving into what amounts to a Historical Wargame set in the Warhammer 40,0000 (40k) universe, is “will this be worth it to me?”. It’s no secret that playing Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness (sometimes called Warhammer 30,000, 30k or just Horus Heresy) - is a potentially daunting prospect. The models are expensive, you need separate (often impractically fancy) books to the current 40k range of rules, and the model range is largely only available in hard-to-work-with resin, from limited suppliers,…
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Welcome to Tiny Plastic People

Welcome to Tiny Plastic People

Hello! Welcome to Tiny Plastic People! This little website is a project that a few of us have had on the backburner for a while now. The genesis of the idea came to our community after we realised there weren't really many websites that were covering Warhammer and tabletop gaming in a way that matched with our attitudes. After a lot of prevaricating, we eventually decided to give it a go ourselves. Two years of false starts later, we finally knuckled down and got something running. For the past month we've been putting a lot of free time into getting…
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